Communicating With The Spirit Of Your Baby

Communicating With The Spirit Of Your Baby

Hilery has always been curious about spirituality but really put it into practice when she wanted to become a mom. As part of her journey into motherhood Hilery learned to use meditation to raise her vibration to connect with the spirit of her baby. Now she uses those skills to help other soon to be moms do the same.

In this episode we break down the importance of connecting with your intuition by letting go of foreign energy and society expectations, advocating for your own needs. Hillary also covers the importance of self-care and spending time on yourself to show up for your baby and family. You spend years preparing for a career. When we become moms, we wait for babies to be in our arms to prepare. There is a process to prepare ourselves holistically for becoming a mom as well.

Quote from Hilery Johnson on The Mamaverse Podcast

What We Covered:

  • Tips for a mom-to-be: Find 1-2 things during the day that really bring you joy and make sure you add this structure to your life even when your baby is born. 
  • Joy raises your energy and vibration to make things more joyful.
  • Hillery teaches meditation techniques and guides moms on how to clear energy and connect with your higher essence and being.
  • Every baby has a spirit that you can connect with before and after birth.
  • The challenges most moms-to-be have when trying to start a family is making the space for this in their life.
  • How to get in touch with your intuition and learn to decipher when we do things because we feel called to, or because we have been told to by others.
  • Tip: Step back and slow down to get in touch with yourself, ask yourself what I want in this situation

Podcast Episode: Communicating With The Spirit Of Your Baby

Meet Hilery

Hilery Johnson, founder and CEO of BringInBaby, is a long-time spiritual seeker and healer. She integrates powerful spiritual tools to raise her vibration to bring her baby in. Hilery wants to share her wisdom with women ready to call in their baby. Her mission with BringInBaby is to show women how to use powerful spiritual tools to increase their chances of pregnancy, prepare energetically for their baby’s arrival and increase intuition and innate power for the new mom.

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